Resources for Faculty & Staff

Faculty and Instructor Syllabi Statements 

As instructors, part of our goal is to cultivate a learning environment where students are supported, informed, and prepared. One small way we can communicate our support, inform students of resources, and prepare them for the content our course will cover is to incorporate statements and information into course syllabi. The challenges our communities are being faced with present us with an opportunity to add or update our syllabi to match the values we hold and want to communicate.

Faculty and Instructor Syllabi Statements

Resources for Faculty & Staff

UCI Employee Assistance Program

The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a no-cost, confidential assistance program to help address the personal issues faced by UCI faculty, staff, retirees and dependents at both the Campus and Medical Center. This service, staffed by experienced clinicians, is available by phone 24 hours a day, seven days a week. A Guidance Consultant will refer employees to a local, licensed therapist or to resources in the community.

UCI Sexual Violence Prevention Website

UCI is committed to creating and maintaining an environment in which all persons who live, work, and learn in our campus community can be free of all forms of sexual assault, sexual misconduct, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, and retaliation. This website provides members of the UCI community with key information regarding UCI policies, reporting information, resources for education/training, and support services.

UC Sexual Violence Prevention Website

Preventing and responding to sexual violence, sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating/domestic violence and stalking are top priorities for UC. This website provides the UC community with key information about university support services, your responsibilities as a member of the UC community, and steps UC is taking to address sexual violence

Request Outreach Services

Educational Workshops

CARE staff and student peer educators provide educational workshops for student organizations, clubs and groups on a variety of topics as well as training for professional staff, student staff, and faculty. Use the form linked to arrange a program or request CARE’s presence at an event.

Programming Options for University Faculty


The issues of sexual assault and relationship violence impact students in a variety of ways. Some students may have experienced these crimes directly, while other students may have friends or loved ones who are victims. All students, however, are constantly bombarded by media messages and cultural norms about gender roles, expectations in dating relationships, alcohol and partying, and hooking up. All of these factors contribute to high rates of rape and sexual assault on college campuses. Our mission at CARE is to support students who have experienced sexual assault or relationship abuse, and to provide educational programming geared at prevention. University faculty have a unique opportunity to address both of these efforts.

As leaders and mentors, faculty members may be approached by students who have experienced some form of abuse. CARE can provide training for faculty about UCI policies, protocol for responding to victims of sexual assault and relationship violence, suggestions about how to support survivors, campus and community resources and referrals, and updates on programs and events for students. As educators, there is a good chance that the dynamics and factors associated with sexism, abuse, and sexual assault fit somewhere within your departmental curriculums. Classroom presentations about sexual assault and relationship violence provide an opportunity to reach many students in a non-confrontational learning environment. CARE can work with you to tailor a workshop or presentation to your course and class. We believe it is necessary to bridge the gap between Academics and Student Affairs to ensure the best possible setting for students’ learning and personal growth.

Programming Options for University Staff


Staff members at UCI work with students in many different ways. No matter how you interact with students, it’s important to have an understanding of the issues students face on a college campus. Unfortunately sexual assault and relationship abuse are issues that affect many students either directly or indirectly. In fact, an estimated 20% to 25% of college women in the United States experience attempted or complete rape during their college career (Fisher, Cullen, and Turner, 2000). Because of the high rates of sexual assault on college campuses, there are legal mandates for University programming and certain staff members are required to report crimes to the police.

CARE is available to provide programming and in-service workshops and trainings for professional staff. Programs through CARE can be a good way to make sure that your staff is aware of these issues, and can identify signs of abuse or risky situations in their personal lives. These programs can also help develop and enhance the skills needed to address these issues on campus and to support students, including important information about mandated reporting and critical time periods for collecting evidence and receiving treatment. CARE can provide training for professional staff about UCI policies, protocol for responding to victims of sexual assault and relationship violence, suggestions about how to support survivors, campus and community resources and referrals, and updates on programs and events for students.

We also realize that many departments house student groups, volunteers, and interns. Providing programs about sexual assault prevention and healthy relationships is a good way to expose students to the prevalence of these issues, and to keep them informed about the resources available on campus.

Consultation with UCI CARE


The staff at CARE are available to provide consultation with all members of the UC Irvine community.

CARE staff have expertise in the areas of rape and sexual assault, relationship health, intimate partner violence, and gender issues.

If you would like to talk with someone about responding to an incident on or off campus or you would like to obtain additional information about the above topic areas, contact CARE.


Title IX and Clery Act Video Vignettes


Who are Responsible Employees and Campus Security Authorities

This video provides an introduction to and overview of two separate federal laws: Title IX and the Clery Act. Specifically, in this video, you will learn about the types of positions designated as a “Responsible Employee” (under Title IX) and a “Campus Security Authority” (under the Clery Act) and why certain individuals at UCI and UCI Medical Center are required to report under these two laws.

How to Report Under Title IX

This video provides information on how to report under Title IX. Specifically, you will learn about the types of incidents that are reportable under Title IX and the specific reporting requirements of student employees, faculty members and staff members. Additionally, this video will describe the various details of what you should do and not do and how to submit your report to the Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity (OEOD).

How to Report Under the Clery Act

This video provides information on how to report under the Clery Act. Specifically, you will learn about the various information that CSAs are required to report and when CSAs are required to report. You will learn about Clery Act geography, the different types of crimes that are reportable under the Clery Act, and how to fill out a CSA Report Form for submission to the UCI Police Department. You will also learn about what you should not do as a CSA.

How to Help Victims and Survivors

This video provides information on how Responsible Employees and Campus Security Authorities can support survivors of Sexual Violence (including Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence & Stalking) while fulfilling their obligations and duties under each law.

After Hours Resources

UCI Counseling Center (Available 24 hours):

(949) 824-6457

Waymakers' 24-hour hotline resources & referrals for survivors of sexual assault:

(949) 831-9110 (South OC)

(714) 957-2737 (North OC)

Human Options 24-hour hotline resources, safety and support for individuals experiencing relationship abuse:

(877) 854-3594

Suicide Prevention Hotline:

988 Lifeline

The UCI Police Department (Available 24 hours):

(949) 824-5223

Please call 911 if there is an immediate threat to safety.

(949) 824-7273 Safety Exit