Contact CARE

3rd floor of the UCI Student Center in suite G320

Hours: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. (Monday - Friday)


CARE does not charge a fee for programs or services when utilized by eligible members of the campus or affiliates.

Canceling an Appointment

If for any reason you are not able to attend a scheduled appointment, we ask that you call the CARE office and provide at least 24 hours notice so that other students may be served during your appointment time.


We want to hear from you! Your experience with the UCI CARE office is important to us and your feedback will help us make improvements to our services, inform the development of programs and assist us in continuing to be responsive to the needs of the UCI campus community. Please let us know how we are doing or just share your brilliant ideas! Your comments can be submitted anonymously unless you indicate that you would like to be contacted to discuss your feedback. Feedback may be shared via any of the following methods:

  • A suggestion box available in the CARE front lobby (forms and pencils provided).
  • Submit via email to
  • If you received advocacy or counseling services at CARE, you may also submit confidential feedback through our quarterly feedback questionnaires which are emailed at the end of each quarter.


  1. Enter the building under the “STUDENT CENTER” lettering across Pereira Dr.
  2. Stay on the ground floor and proceed straight past the Emerald Bay conference rooms.
  3. Proceed through the lounge seating, and down a few steps to the left toward the Pacific Ballroom.
  4. Just past Pacific Ballroom C, there is an alcove on the right with an elevator. Take the elevator to 3rd floor and exit right.
  5. The CARE Offices are at the end of the hallway on your right as you exit the elevator.


  1. 405 S, exit Jamboree Rd.
  2. Right (west) on Jamboree Rd.
  3. Left onto Campus Dr.
  4. Right onto W. Peltason Dr.
  5. First left onto Pereira Dr.
  6. Park in the Student Center Parking Structure on your left


  1. 5 S to 55 S to 73 S
  2. Exit University Ave.
  3. Left (east) onto University Ave.
  4. Right onto W. Peltason Dr.
  5. First left onto Pereira Dr.
  6. Park in the Student Center Parking Structure on your left


  1. 91 W to 241 S to 261 S TOLL
  2. 261 becomes Jamboree Rd.
  3. Left onto Campus Dr.
  4. Right onto W. Peltason Dr.
  5. First left onto Pereira Dr.
  6. Park in the Student Center Parking Structure on your left


  1. 5 N to 405 N, exit University Dr.
  2. Left (west) onto University Dr.
  3. Left onto Campus Dr.
  4. Right onto W. Peltason Dr.
  5. First left onto Pereira Dr.
  6. Park in the Student Center Parking Structure on your left


  1. 73 N, exit MacArthur Blvd./ University Ave. TOLL
  2. Stay to the right to University Dr.
  3. Right (east) onto University Dr.
  4. Right onto W. Peltason Dr.
  5. First left onto Pereira Dr.
  6. Park in the Student Center Parking Structure on your left

After Hours Resources

UCI Counseling Center (Available 24 hours):

(949) 824-6457

Waymakers' 24-hour hotline resources & referrals for survivors of sexual assault:

(949) 831-9110 (South OC)

(714) 957-2737 (North OC)

Human Options 24-hour hotline resources, safety and support for individuals experiencing relationship abuse:

(877) 854-3594

Suicide Prevention Hotline:

988 Lifeline

The UCI Police Department (Available 24 hours):

(949) 824-5223

Please call 911 if there is an immediate threat to safety.

(949) 824-7273 Safety Exit