Due to the University administrative recess, UCI CARE will be closed beginning Tuesday, December 24th, and will reopen Thursday, January 2nd.

Upon reopening on January 2nd, UCI CARE services and programs will be available during business hours (Mon-Fri, 8:00 AM-12:00 PM, 1:00 PM-5:00 PM PST) by phone at (949) 824-7273, email at care@uci.edu, or in-person in Suite G320 on the third floor of Student Center. If you or someone you know requires After Hour resources, please reference the section at the bottom of the web page.

Sextortion: There have been increased sextortion cases involving the sharing of sexually explicit material on social media. Check your privacy settings frequently and before using social media to interact with others. Be selective about what you share and consider how someone else might exploit your messages, photographs and videos. For assistance with reporting online extortion offenses, please get in touch with CARE or UCIPD.

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Our Mission

UCI CARE provides free and confidential support services to members of the UCI community who have been impacted by sexual assault, relationship abuse, family violence and/or stalking. Programs and services are available to people of all identities and regardless of status. UCI CARE aims to end these forms of power-based personal violence by engaging the campus community in education, programming, and transformative action.

UCI Sexual Assault Survivor Support & Resources

Chapter 1 - Introduction

Chapter 2 - Advocacy

Chapter 3 - Medical Options

Chapter 4 - Campus Reporting: OEOD & Student Conduct

Chapter 5 - Law Enforcement

Chapter 6 - Counseling, Support and Healing

Chapter 7 - Conclusion

Care Events

After Hours Resources

UCI Counseling Center (Available 24 hours):

(949) 824-6457

Waymakers' 24-hour hotline resources & referrals for survivors of sexual assault:

(949) 831-9110 (South OC)

(714) 957-2737 (North OC)

Human Options 24-hour hotline resources, safety and support for individuals experiencing relationship abuse:

(877) 854-3594

Suicide Prevention Hotline:

988 Lifeline

The UCI Police Department (Available 24 hours):

(949) 824-5223

Please call 911 if there is an immediate threat to safety.

(949) 824-7273 Safety Exit